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This Man Saved the U.S. From Ruin

Cover Image for This Man Saved the U.S. From Ruin
Greg P
Greg P
Posted underBankingBoEBondsEconomyEducationFearFederal BudgetFederal ReserveInvestingJP Morgan
Patrick Boyle explains “How JP Morgan Saved the US Economy” and explores the panic of 1907, a financial crisis that caused economic contraction in the United States. The panic was sparked by a combination of events, including an earthquake in San Francisco, an attempted short squeeze, difficult politics, and inconsistent banking regulation. These factors led to banks collapsing, prompting a group of business leaders, including J. Pierpont Morgan, to take action and calm the markets. The panic of 1907 played a significant role in shaping modern financial regulation and ultimately led to the establishment of the US Federal Reserve.

TaggedGeorge CortelyouJ.P. MorganJohn D. RockefellerTheodore RooseveltUS SteelWoodrow Wilson

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