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The NFL’s Magic Money Machine…

Cover Image for The NFL’s Magic Money Machine…
Greg P
Greg P
Posted underPro SportsSports

The Dallas Cowboys rank first in the NFL, and across all sports leagues around the globe, with a value of $9.2 billion, well ahead of the New York Giants ($7.04 billion) and Los Angeles Rams ($6.98 billion). 

The guaranteed profits and $120 billion worth of domestic media deals locked in for the next nine years have pushed the entry price for an NFL franchise to $4 billion, with the Cincinnati Bengals ranked No. 32. A dozen NFL teams generated more than $200 million in local revenue last season from tickets, sponsorships, luxury suites and non-NFL events, but there is not a significant variance within the other 20 who averaged $159 million in local revenue. The result is that most teams are valued in a narrow band between $4 billion and $5 billion.

TaggedInflationMacroNFLPro Sports valuationsTV DealTV RevenueValuations

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