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Military Tech

Cover Image for Military Tech
Greg P
Greg P
Posted underDronesMilitary StrategyPeter ZeihanPhoenix GhostRussiaUkraineWar
“The New Face of Military Technology” by Peter Zeihan, the discussion revolves around the second phase of the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). The first phase occurred in the 1990s and 2000s when the US integrated information technologies with its military, resulting in precision weapons like drones and cruise missiles. However, the high cost and limitations of hypersonics led to their secondary role.

Now, in the second phase, there is a democratization of military technology applications. Instead of being controlled from the White House or a general’s chair, individual soldiers can use this information to make autonomous targets. This trend is most aggressively seen in Ukraine, where they employ drones for various purposes. Special forces have been targeting Russian refineries with great accuracy, causing significant damage and taking offline up to a million barrels per day of refining capacity.  

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Sept 11

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The federal reserve, the referee of all banks, completed this building in 1924 to house most of their gold holdings. After five years of construction It symbolizes the power and stability of the Federal Reserve System. 80 feet below street level, built on bedrock, 6000 tons of gold is stored in the NYFed vault, the […]

Greg P
Greg P