The USS Bataan, an amphibious assault ship that performs complex and dangerous operations in the US Navy. Unlike supercarriers, which deal with crises from a distance by launching aircraft, amphibious ships deal with crises face to face by putting Marines on the ground. The USS Bataan, which weighs 27,000 tons and requires the integration of navy sailors and Marines, operates both a well deck and a flight deck, making amphibious operations extremely sensitive to weather conditions. The ship carries a massive refueling rig and operates AV-8 Harriers instead of F-35Bs. Amphibious ships are more versatile than supercarriers as they can operate aircraft as well as watercraft, but this versatility comes at a price. The well deck on the USS Bataan is like a giant garage that opens to the water, allowing certain types of amphibious vehicles to get in and out.
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